102. I want to dye my hair green
Vocab level: B1
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Many of my friends have dyed their hair different colors.
I don't mean normal hair colors like brown or black.
My friends have dyed their hair orange, purple and blue.
I told my mother that I would like to dye my hair green.
I explained to my mother that I would only use food coloring.
The green would not last forever.
My mother said that dyeing your hair was a silly fad.
She said that I would not look good with green hair.
I said that if I couldn't dye my hair green, maybe I could get a nose ring.
My mother said "no".
I said that maybe a tattoo on my arm would be nice.
My mother said "no way".
My mother said that she did some crazy things when she was a young girl.
She said that she used to iron her hair to make it straight.
That sounds quite boring to me.
My friend Joan came over.
Her hair is dyed bright pink.
My father said "nice hair, Joan".
I don't think that he really meant it.
My mother says that when I am an adult
I can dye my hair whatever crazy color I like,
but for now she would like me to leave my hair its natural color.
I tried to tell her that all my friends were doing it.
My mother asked, "if all your friends were jumping off a cliff, would you do it too?"
I said "no".
I think I'll have to wait to have green hair, but maybe by the time I'm old enough to dye my hair green,
I won't want it that color.
My mother says that fads change all the time.
One day something might be popular, and the next day it's not in style at all.
I'll just have to live without green hair for now.
I wonder what the fad will be next month.
- Next exercise: 103. The birthday gift
- Previous exercise: 101. The bedroom
- Listen & Read exercise for this lesson: 102. I want to dye my hair green (Listen & Read)