[Practice Test 19] Conversation 190
Vocab level: B1
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I was interested in learning about your different insurance plans.
For reference, I am a 56 year old, non-smoking male.
We have several different plans available to a man your age.
We have three options for the lowest level of coverage, each with a different deductible.
The deductibles range from $500 to $1500.
So, what does that mean for my monthly cost?
The lower the deductible, the more expensive your monthly payments will be.
Do you have those numbers at hand?
For a $500 deductible your total will be $350 a month.
For a $1500 deductible, you will pay $175 per month.
Payments for a $1000 deductible are somewhere in the middle of those two amounts.
Oh, I can afford those payments.
But can you tell me more about the coverage and what is included?
My friend has to travel 45 minutes to see a doctor in her network.
I don't want anything like that!
- Next exercise: Short Talk 181
- Previous exercise: Conversation 189
- Listen & Read exercise for this lesson: Conversation 190 (Listen & Read)