[Practice Test 20] Conversation 191
Vocab level: B1
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The recording in this exercise belongs to BestMyTest.com - a website to help you prepare for TOEIC, IELTS and TOELF exams.
Billy, are you able to send emails?
I can't connect to my account.
The same thing is happening to me!
An error message keeps popping up that says “Unable to connect”.
I just called down to the IT Department.
The technician explained that sometimes there are outages and they are controlled locally.
It should be fixed by tomorrow,
but if we go off campus, the problem should be fixed.
Well, that doesn't help me.
I have a deadline coming up in ten minutes.
My client is not going to be happy.
Oh no.
Can you call the client to explain?
That's a good idea.
I will still need to send this email out.
You should call them and then go to the coffee shop across the street.
You should be able to connect there,
and then you will only be a few minutes behind schedule.
- Next exercise: Conversation 192
- Previous exercise: Short Talk 190
- Listen & Read exercise for this lesson: Conversation 191 (Listen & Read)