Short Talk 2
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Welcome to the Country Fair!
We're celebrating the beginning of autumn by giving out some door prizes.
We handed out $500 worth of prizes to a few lucky attendees yesterday,
but don't worry, there's still plenty more to come, and you could be next!
Our town's education board will hold a raffle every thirty minutes until 4 p.m.,
when we will draw for the grand prize.
This year's grand prize, donated by Lucy's Bakery, is a brand-new KitchenArt baking set.
To enter the draw, please head to the ticket counter.
If you're entering through the first gate, take a left and follow it down to the end of the aisle.
The counter is directly in front of the attraction on the right.
Best of luck!
- Next exercise: Short Talk 3
- Previous exercise: Short Talk 1
- Listen & Read exercise for this lesson: Short Talk 2 (Listen & Read)