[Practice Test 3] Short Talk 28
Vocab level: B1
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Welcome to Juniper Hall's open house.
I have no doubt that you all will be impressed with the hall's amazing features,
from the reception rooms to the catering menu.
Today, I will walk you through all of the options for you to host your wedding here at Juniper.
Right now, we are in the more intimate reception room,
which we call the Rose Room,
that can accommodate 50 guests.
Next, we will head to our Tulip Room,
which can accommodate 100 guests.
I will give you time to look around both rooms,
and please enjoy the appetizers that are being passed around,
all of which can be options for your special day.
Remember, if you book with me by the end of the day,
you will get 10% off your room rental.
- Next exercise: Short Talk 29
- Previous exercise: Short Talk 27
- Listen & Read exercise for this lesson: Short Talk 28 (Listen & Read)