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Short Talk 74

The recording in this exercise belongs to BestMyTest.com - a website to help you prepare for TOEIC, IELTS and TOELF exams.

Welcome, everyone.
I am Noah Lewis, and I, along with the rest of the rangers, want to welcome you to Rainier Mountain.
We are lucky to have diverse flora and fauna here at the park,
including bald eagles, brown bears and coyotes,
which, hopefully, you'll be able to see during your time here.
It's important to always be very alert and respectful of the wildlife,
so we ask you to watch a quick, five-minute safety video.
When the video has finished, there will be a moment to ask any questions,
and then you'll be on your way to explore.
Before we begin, I want to stress how important it is to stay on the designated tracks.
Alright, let's begin.