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Cute Pika Steals Food From Neighbours

Vocab level: B2

This young male has been awake all winter,
living on the food reserves he built up last year.
For him, summer can't come soon enough.
As the sun's warmth returns for just a few weeks,
this harsh world is transformed into a rich, high-altitude meadow.
It's what all the pikas here have been waiting for...
for almost 10 months.
There's no time to waste.
Ready… Steady…
Now they must collect as much food as quickly as they possibly can.
But some of them seem in less of a hurry.
Clearly, biding their time.
The others are gathering leaves non-stop.
They build haystacks and that takes a lot of work.
Each mouthful has to be carefully placed to allow the sunlight to dry it.
They also add a few leaves from other plants that contain chemicals
which will help preserve the hay during the winter.
As many as 11,000 return journeys may be needed
to build a reasonably large haystack.
And then, it has to be guarded against opportunistic neighbours.
The weather is showing signs of changing.
It's time to make a move.
This pika specializes in stealing from its neighbours.
Got away with it. Again.