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Could Bacon at Breakfast Lead to Dementia?

Vocab level: B2

Could some of your favorite breakfast staples be detrimental to your brain health?
A new study published in the journal Neurology
says people who eat more processed red meat have a higher chance of developing dementia.
Looking at the dietary habits of more than 133,000 people who all work in healthcare,
Dr. Wen and his team found:
Those who ate one quarter of a serving of processed red meats, like baloney or hot dogs,
had a 13% higher chance of developing dementia
than those who had less than 1/10 of a serving per day.
A serving size for this study was pretty small,
just 3 oz or about two slices of bacon.
This cognitive decline didn't occur in people who enjoyed unprocessed meats
like steak, pork chops, or even hamburgers without additives.
Does everyone have to be a vegetarian now? No.
But at a barbecue, reach for a hamburger instead of a hot dog,
and try cutting your portion sizes.