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Extinct Media Museum in Tokyo

Vocab level: B1

Someone born in 2004 has likely never had to answer a rotary phone.
But this museum gives them a chance to experience it.
The Extinct Media Museum attracts curious minds in Tokyo, Japan.
Displayed on these cluttered shelves are relics from our collective technological past.
The museum's deputy curator explains:
the museum was founded on the principle that all media other than paper and stone will die out.
Unlike most museums, all of the items here are meant to be touched and handled.
People are encouraged to feel how heavy cameras used to be
before they were a regular component on our cell phones.
Just like the dinosaur, these floppy discs and other early tools for media storage have gone extinct.
Seeing them displayed shows how far and how small computer technology has come.
Most of the items on display were donated, according to the museum.
For some, the Extinct Media Museum offers a nostalgic blast from the past.
And for others, it's a glimpse into history.