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People Line Up to See and Smell 'Corpse Flower' in Australia

Vocab level: B1

People lined up to get a look but mostly a whiff of this flower.
After hearing their reviews, you may be asking why.
Uh, pretty gross.
Think about the last time that you're in the gym with a lot of really sweaty dudes.
The Botanic Gardens in Sydney, Australia, featured this flower.
Scientifically, it's named the Giant Amorphophallus Titanum,
but nicknamed Putricia by the locals for its foul stench.
It only lasted for 24 hours,
so anybody curious about the odor had to queue up to experience it for themselves.
They all say they got what was advertised.
The smell was like hot garbage.
It smells like something is rotting.
The last time Putricia bloomed was 15 years ago.
So, if you're curious, you may have to wait a while to find out what she smells like.