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[Practice Test 6] Conversation 55

Vocab level: B1
The recording in this exercise belongs to BestMyTest.com - a website to help you prepare for TOEIC, IELTS and TOELF exams.

Hey, are you busy?
I'm hoping you would be able to help me out finishing up the employee evaluation reports.
I have to finish them by Friday,
and I'm worried I'm not going to get them done in time.
I can help you out,
but first I have to get some lunch, I am starving.
I will just be out for thirty minutes.
I also just want to double-check with the human resource director,
as I am not allowed to see all sensitive information regarding employees.
I can send her an email now.
Sounds great.
Will you let me know if you hear back from her during your lunch?
If she denies the request, I should be able to give her a call and explain the situation.
It is about time you get the clearance anyway
since you've worked here for nearly five years!
I agree. We will see what she says.
I look forward to helping.
Do you want me to pick you up anything from the cafe?