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Conversation 56

The recording in this exercise belongs to BestMyTest.com - a website to help you prepare for TOEIC, IELTS and TOELF exams.

Wow, Brit, have you heard the news about the price of grapes?
They have skyrocketed due to the wildfires.
The price per pint has tripled.
We should think about changing the price of our jam jars to reflect this.
Wow, that is terrible news.
I am hesitant to raise our prices
as a lot of our customers come to our shop because we are known to have the best deals.
I don't want to lose our loyal consumers.
Can you think of any other ways to cut costs to make up for it?
Hmmm.. I will have a think.
I will look at our budget reports tonight and see how our stock correlates.
I can also look into more cost-effective suppliers.