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[Practice Test 4] Short Talk 35

Vocab level: B2
The recording in this exercise belongs to BestMyTest.com - a website to help you prepare for TOEIC, IELTS and TOELF exams.

Hello, Mrs. Wilson.
This is Laura Whales, the head of journalism at the New York Times.
I've just looked over your résumé and cover letter.
I am very impressed by your work experience,
and I was also delighted at the sample writing you sent in.
Unfortunately, we don't have any full-time positions at this time,
but I do have a part-time position I would like to offer you.
While I can't guarantee anything,
there is a strong possibility this could turn into a full time role.
If you are interested in the part-time position,
please email me at lwhales@gmail.com,
and let me know your availability to meet for a coffee.